It's been quite a while since I was so excited to write my subjective impressions on a new piece of photographic gear, like the new, mind-changer TTartisan M90mm F1.25 manual...
Moving towards film photography was simply a dream come true, something more than a “photo project” limited in time. I feel like this is a commitment for life, while still...
There are many elements involved in creating a great photograph. Let's not forget the fact that this means going deep into the territory of subjectivity. However, there must be some...
There is a saying that as you get older, you become unimpressed by a lot of S.H.I.T. (super highly irrelevant things). I wonder how this principle applies in photography, because...
Getting back to Fujifilm mirrorless cameras and especially to the X-H1 (which is the camera I am happily using now), the level of customizing your camera goes quite deep, at...
Nowadays, the smartphones and their cameras have evolved to a level where the question of replacing the digital camera (mirrorless, or DSLR) with a powerful smartphone is only natural.
In almost every article I have wrote on my website, in the Blog section, regarding Fujifilm gear, I talk about the synergy between beauty and functionality. This is one of...
Everything I write here is because of my grandmother - the Photographer. I have inherited the passion for photography from her, as she was the one in my family who...
The GFX 50R is the second Medium Format digital mirrorless camera from Fujiiflm and it is one more good reason why you might feel the effects of GAS. With solid...
I am really interested in the future Fujifilm X-Pro3, as I had the X-Pro1 and now, I happily use the X-Pro2. We all have specific reasons to love the X-Pro series...